Building on the past, investing in the future
In the last video of the year-long campaign celebrating NRMP’s 70th anniversary, we reflect on the history of the Match and how it is constantly evolving and innovating to meet the needs of stakeholders.
Dear Match2024 Applicant…
NRMP Leadership and Board of Directors
Previous Match applicants offer their best and most practical advice and tips for this year’s Match applicants. Check it out and get excited for #Match2024!
A few long-term employees and Board members discuss why they chose the NRMP and how they approach their stewardship of the Match.
Charting Outcomes Demographic Data Report Video Tutorial
What’s the Best Advice You Have for 2024 Match Applicants?
Director of Research Sara Balestrieri, PhD, provides an overview of how the interactive report works, its features, and how to best utilize the report.
Take a listen as previous Match applicants, medical school advisors, and NRMP Board Members give their best advice for applicants in the 2024 Main Residency Match.
2023 Main Residency Match and SOAP Results Webinar
2023 Match Applicant Journey Video
NRMP Chief of Match Operations Jeanette Calli provides a recap of the 2023 Main Residency Match and Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP). After the matching algorithm was processed and SOAP concluded, there was a 99.1% overall fill rate.
The NRMP documented the journey of nine 2023 Main Residency Match applicants as they went through the Match process and all the emotions that come with it – interviews, rank order lists, Match Week, and ultimately, Match Day!
Demographic Data Video about Match Results and Socio-Economic Status
Demographic Data Video about Match Results and Gender
Get a better understanding of applicant socio-economic status and Match results as well as why the collection of demographic data is vital for the medical education community.
Learn about NRMP’s applicant demographic data collection and hear an in-depth analysis of gender and Match results.
Demographic Data Video about Match Results and Race
NRMP’s 70th Anniversary Kickoff Video
Understand why the NRMP began collecting demographic data and its importance to the medical education community along with a deeper discussion of race and Match results.
The NRMP kicked off the year-long anniversary by interviewing constituents at the Transition to Residency stakeholder conference about the long-standing history of the NRMP and the best reason to celebrate 70 years of the Match.
The First Match Results in 1952
In 1952, the National Interassociation Committee on Internships (precursor to the NRMP) held its first Match with 5,564 individuals matching. Seventy years later in the 2022 Main Residency Match, the NRMP matched 34,075 individuals to PGY-1 positions.
Did you know that the NRMP has been providing transparent and timely Match results and data for 70 years? View the comprehensive Match Data webpage for data about the NRMP’s Main Residency Match and Specialties Matching Service.