Match Results
Access to Match results differs for residency and fellowship programs.
Programs in the Main Residency Match
Match Week for the Main Residency Match takes place the third week in March. It is the period of time beginning on Monday when applicants and programs learn of their match/fill status and ending on Friday when applicants and programs learn the results of the Match. Positions left unfilled after the matching algorithm has been processed are offered to eligible applicants through the Match Week Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program® (SOAP®). Program staff should spend time familiarizing themselves with SOAP resources and updating the program public contact information so they are prepared should they learn on Monday of Match Week that the program has unfilled positions.
Match Status Notification
On Monday of Match Week, program directors learn if their program(s) filled. Notification is sent via email and is posted in the Registration, Ranking, and Results® (R3®) system.
SOAP for Unfilled Programs
Monday through Thursday of Match Week, SOAP is available for unfilled Match-participating programs that indicated in the R3 system their willingness to participate in SOAP. Program directors should familiarize themselves with the SOAP schedule and resources, identify staff to participate if necessary, and ensure that those staff understand SOAP policies and procedures. Programs that opt out of participating in SOAP cannot fill positions until SOAP concludes on Thursday of Match Week.
Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program Resources
Everything you need to navigate SOAP and manage unfilled positions.
Match Day!
Friday of Match Week, at 12:00 PM ET, Match results are released and the Advance Data Tables posted online. In addition at 12:00 PM ET, Match Results by Ranked Applicant, Match Outcome for All Programs by State, and SOAP Programs Preferred Applicants reports will be available in the R3 system.
The Main Residency Match closes in the R3 system at 11:59 p.m. ET on June 30, after which Match reports no longer are available. NRMP recommends that program directors and institutional officials print and archive Match reports on or close to Match Day for future use. NRMP charges $200 per report after the Match has closed in the R3 system, and only Match Results by Ranked Applicants and Characteristics of Matched Applicants reports will be available.
Fellowship Programs in the Specialties Matching Service
At 12:00 pm ET on the applicable Match Day, fellowship program directors learn the match results for their programs. Programs with unfilled positions can access the R3 system to view the List of Unmatched Applicants made available by the NRMP. At the same time, unmatched applicants are provided a List of Unfilled Programs. Programs and applicants can contact each other directly about applying for open positions.