The Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (“SOAP”) provides a uniform system for programs to offer unfilled positions to eligible unmatched or partially matched applicants through a series of offer rounds during Match Week.
SOAP for Applicants
SOAP for Eligible Applicants
Monday through Thursday of Match Week
Partially matched and fully unmatched applicants who meet eligibility requirements may participate in SOAP to try to obtain an unfilled residency position. It is important that applicants be ready for SOAP in the event they learn on Monday of Match Week that they are unmatched.
The NRMP is the authoritative source for applicant SOAP eligibility status. Applicants are responsible for ensuring they apply only to positions for which they are eligible, as shown on the SOAP List of Unfilled Programs in the NRMP’s R3 system.
SOAP: Viewing Unfilled Programs support guide
SOAP: View & Respond to Offers support guide
Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program® (SOAP®) 101 Webinar for Applicants
SOAP for Ineligible Applicants
Monday through Thursday of Match Week
- Applicants who are not eligible for SOAP cannot apply to any Match-participating programs, regardless of the program’s SOAP participation status, until SOAP concludes. ERAS will not send applications to those programs, and applicants not eligible for SOAP are prohibited from contacting the programs themselves or through personal contacts.
- Applicants who are not eligible for SOAP can apply to non-Match participating programs. ERAS will open at 11:00 a.m. ET on Monday of Match Week for applicants to begin applying to programs and will send applications to those programs beginning at 8:00 a.m. ET on Tuesday. Phone, fax, email, or other methods also can be used by applicants who are not eligible for SOAP, but only after 8:00 a.m. ET on Tuesday of Match Week.