2025 Medical Schools Match Calendar
View important dates below and add these dates to your personal calendar to keep track of Match deadlines throughout the process.
Research Programs
Applicants use the Program Directory to explore over 6,000 PGY-1 and PGY-2 programs participating in the Main Residency Match.
Begin Uploading Rising Seniors
Begin uploading rising US senior students in the Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) system to monitor the registration activity of your students.
Standard Registration Deadline
Applicant Standard Registration Deadline for the Match and SOAP.
There is a $50 additional fee for late registration after January 31.
View all Match fees.
Student/Graduate Credentials Verification Opens
Begin verifying student/graduate graduation credentials in the R3 system.
Medical schools are responsible for identifying and verifying their students and graduates who are eligible for Match participation.
Credentials Verification Deadline
Deadline to verify student/graduate graduation credentials in the R3 system.
Rank Order List Certification Deadline
Registration Deadline
Late registration deadline for the Match and SOAP and deadline for applicant to be withdrawn.
Match Week
Medical School Unmatched Applicants report available
Medical school Unmatched Applicants report available (embargoed until 10:00 am EDT) in the R3 system under "Options", click on "Reports".
Applicant match status and program fill status available
Applicants learn if they are matched and programs learn if they filled (by email and R3 system).
Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP) Begins
SOAP-eligible unmatched and partially matched applicants can access the List of Unfilled Programs in the R3 system. The NRMP is the authoritative source for applicant SOAP eligibility status. Applicants are responsible for ensuring they apply only to positions for which they are eligible, as shown on the SOAP List of Unfilled Programs in the NRMP’s R3 system.
Applicants and their representatives cannot communicate with a program until contacted by that program.
SOAP applicants can start preparing applications
Contact the application service designated by the program with any questions.
Programs begin reviewing SOAP applications
Programs may contact applicants upon receipt of an application and begin interviewing.
Contact the application service designated by the program with any questions.
Match Results Reports Available
Match results reports and Match notification letters are available to school officials and administrators in the R3 system under "Options", click on "Reports".
SOAP Round 1
9:00 am EDT: Applicants receive Round 1 offers by logging in to R3 system.
11:00 am EDT: Applicant deadline to accept/reject Round 1 offers.
List of Unfilled Programs updated in R3 system.
SOAP Round 2
12:00 pm EDT: Applicants receive Round 2 offers.
2:00 pm EDT: Applicant deadline to accept/reject Round 2 offers.
List of Unfilled Programs updated in R3 system.
SOAP Round 3
3:00 pm EDT: Applicants receive Round 3 offers.
5:00 pm EDT: Applicant deadline to accept/reject Round 3 offers.
List of Unfilled Programs updated in R3 system.
SOAP Round 4
6:00 pm EDT: Applicants receive Round 4 offers.
8:00 pm EDT: Applicant deadline to accept/reject Round 4 offers.
SOAP ends with the posting of the final List of Unfilled Programs in the R3 system. The List is updated to include unfilled programs not participating in SOAP.
Applicants can begin contacting all remaining unfilled programs. Programs can update the List of Unfilled Programs as positions are filled.
Match Day
Applicant Match results available (by email and within the R3 system).
Medical school Match Day ceremonies.