Managing Students and Graduates

Uploading and Tracking Students

NRMP medical school officials have the ability to track student participation in the Main Residency Match® and identify which students need to register and/or submit or certify a rank order list.

Medical school officials also can track students by uploading directly to the Registration, Ranking, and Results® (R3®) system a list of rising seniors that are expected to participate in the Match. Although voluntary, doing so helps school officials prohibit ineligible students from participating in the Match before they register. 

Functionality to upload student lists opens at 8:00 a.m. ET on October 1.  

Managing Students and Graduates Support Guide
Upload a Student List & Edit Student Details Support Guide

After the Match

Each spring after the Main Residency Match concludes, NRMP medical school officials and administrators are requested to verify, and update if necessary, the USMLE and COMLEX pass status and scores of students and graduates. Verification in the Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) system ensures the most accurate applicant data for NRMP reports and publications, including Charting Outcomes in the Match.

Although score verification is voluntary, each medical school that completes the verification process in the spring will receive a Characteristics of Matched Seniors report in the fall comparing the characteristics of the school’s matched senior students with national percentile information.

DO Schools: USMLE and COMLEX Score Verification Support Guide
MD Schools: USMLE Score Verification Support Guide

Main Residency Match Calendar for Medical Schools

View key dates for you and your students.