Coming Soon: New R3 system Functionality for Program Directors and Institutional Administrators

Starting mid-January 2025, Program Directors and Institutional Administrators in the Main Residency Match® and the Specialties Matching Service® fellowship Matches will have additional oversight of their program’s Match participation.

The Institutional Official (IO) traditionally has been required to activate both the institution and all the programs for Match participation in the NRMP’s Registration, Ranking, and Results® (R3®) system.  With the new functionality, IOs will continue to activate the institution but will now have the option to direct the Institutional Administrator (IA) or Program Directors (PDs) to activate their programs. This allows the IO the ability to ensure the PDs confirm their participation in the Match at the program level and allows PDs to update their program directory information and the program quota in a more timely and efficient manner.  Program coordinators can see the program’s status in the R3 system but cannot activate programs.

The graphic below depicts current and new functionality for program activation.  Please note that IOs will still maintain oversight of a program’s participation in the Match through receiving a change approval request for the program’s activation, helping them manage who has completed the registration and activation process. The IO can still activate the programs themselves, if they prefer.

This new functionality will mean a smoother process for program activation and ensure better communication between programs and the GME office.  Support materials and guidance will be updated on in advance of this functionality being implemented in January.

NRMP welcomes your feedback on this change. Please contact with any comments or questions.