Reporting and Investigation of Violations

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Support 866-653-NRMP
Billing 202-400-2238

The NRMP requires all Match participants to behave in an ethical and professionally responsible manner. Alleged breaches of Match policy are taken seriously and are subject to violation investigation. Suspected violations of NRMP policy should be reported to Applicants and programs can submit a claim of an alleged breach of Match Policy using the Alleged Violation Forms.

Read the Violations Policy.

Common Policy Breaches

Violations most commonly reported to the NRMP include:

  • An applicant does not withdraw from the Match and applies for, discusses, interviews for, or accepts a concurrent year position after the Rank Order List Certification Deadline and/or Match Day.
  • An applicant or a program initiates contact outside of ERAS during SOAP.  Read the SOAP Communication Violations Policy.
  • An applicant or a program declines to honor the binding match commitment.
  • An applicant posts Match information on a website or listserv without NRMP authorization.
  • An applicant fails to provide complete, timely, and accurate information to programs – In their application, interview, and communication to programs, applicants must be sure to list CURRENT citizenship or visa status, not expected status at the time training would begin. All training, previous and current, should be in the application.
  • An applicant gives notice of resignation, resigns, or vacates a position within 45 days of the start date specified in the appointment contract.
  • A program asks an applicant to reveal the names, specialties, geographic location, or other identifying information about programs to which the applicant has applied or may apply or about interviews.
  • A program offers a position to an applicant who is matched to a concurrent year position in another program.


The NRMP is authorized to levy sanctions against applicants, programs, medical schools, and institutions with confirmed violations of policy.  Sanctions include:

  • Barring an applicant from accepting or starting a position in any program sponsored by a Match-participating institution
  • Barring applicants or programs from participation in future NRMP Matches
  • Identification of applicants, programs, and institutions in the R3 system as a Match violator

Questions about the violation investigation process can be directed to (202) 400-2235 or