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11 Results Returned

Does the NRMP have any Match data or analytics to assist me in preparing for the Match?

Part of the NRMP’s mission is to develop and distribute data reports and publications that inform national conversations about the transition to residency and advance understanding of the matching process and outcomes. Therefore, we offer a variety of data and reports to assist applicants, program directors, medical school and program faculty, and others involved or…

Does the NRMP have any Match data or analytics to assist me in preparing for the Match?

Part of the NRMP’s mission is to develop and distribute data reports and publications that inform national conversations about the transition to residency and advance understanding of the matching process and outcomes. Therefore, we offer a variety of data and reports to assist applicants, program directors, medical school and program faculty, and others involved or…

How do I review the results of the Match for my program?

Program results are released in the R3 system and sent via email. You can view your program results in the R3 system by accessing the Confidential Roster of Program’s Matched Applicants report on your Match home page when the results are released. To view where the applicants you ranked matched, access the Match Results by…

How do I submit a data request?

Requests for unpublished data or research files must be submitted using the Data Release Application. Download and complete the Data Release Application Form, and click “Submit” to email the completed form to the Data Request Team. Requests are reviewed internally and by the Data Release and Research Committee of the NRMP Board of Directors as needed.…