How many programs can I rank?
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Rank Order Lists cannot exceed 300 ranks total. The Match registration fee includes the listing of up to 20 unique NRMP program codes on the primary rank order list (and in the Main Residency Match, up to 20 unique NRMP codes on all supplemental rank order lists combined). Additional ranks are $30 per rank for both individuals and couples. If a rank order list is certified with more than 20 ranks, extra fees will be due at the time of certification.
Rank fees are NOT REFUNDABLE if a shorter list is certified later.
If you make edits to your list, you do not have to pay extra rank fees again unless you add additional ranks to your list. Keep in mind that programs may offer multiple tracks and each track that you rank is included in your number of ranks.
In addition, there is a Length of Rank Order List fee for rank order lists with 100 or more ranks.