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Results Returned
Can a program coordinator enter and certify the rank order list for a program?
A program coordinator can create, view, and edit rank order lists. A program coordinator cannot certify rank order lists and is prohibited by the NRMP from assuming that responsibility. Use of a program director’s username and password by the program coordinator to access the R3 system is a breach of the Match Participation Agreement and could…
Can I certify a blank rank order list?
If you did not receive any interviews or do not have any suitable programs to rank, you will not enter a rank order list. You will remain in Active status in the Match and can still participate in the Match and SOAP (in the Main Residency Match only) if you are eligible.
Can I certify a blank rank order list?
If your program has been activated in error and you did not intend to participate, the program should be withdrawn from the Match. If you did not have any suitable applicants to rank in the Match and would like to be listed on the List of Unfilled Programs, then your program does not need to…
Can I make changes to my rank order list (ROL) after I have certified it?
Yes, you can make changes to an already certified ROL but, if changed, the list must be re-certified prior to the Rank Order List Certification Deadline for it to be used in the Match. You should not wait until the last minute to enter and certify your list. Technology glitches can occur and the ROL…
Can I rank multiple specialties?
Yes. The matching algorithm attempts to place you in the most preferred program possible, regardless of the specialty of the program, so be sure to rank programs in order of your true preference and not where you think you will match.
Enter and Certify a Rank Order List for Programs
Guide to Enter and Certify a Rank Order List for Programs
How do I know that my Rank Order List is certified and I am ready for the Main Residency Match?
You can see your Main Residency Match status by logging into the R3 system. If your User Status is Certified, your Fee Status is Paid, and your Verification Status is Verified, you are all set for the Match and there is nothing left to do.
How many programs can I rank?
Rank Order Lists cannot exceed 300 ranks total. The Match registration fee includes the listing of up to 20 unique NRMP program codes on the primary rank order list (and in the Main Residency Match, up to 20 unique NRMP codes on all supplemental rank order lists combined). Additional ranks are $30 per rank for…
What does it mean if a program on my rank order list has the status of Withdrawn?
If the program has a status of Withdrawn that means it is no longer participating in the Match. You may want to confirm the program code to ensure it is correct. You do not have to change your rank order list. The algorithm will simply skip over that rank as if it were not there.
Can we change our quota after the Quota Change Deadline?
Quotas will be changed by the NRMP after the deadline only in cases of extreme emergency.
Change Approvals
Guide to Change Approvals
Must institutional officials approve all quota changes, additions, and withdrawals in the Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) system?
Yes. Program directors can enter changes in the R3 system, but they must be approved by the institutional official.
My program is not participating in the Match this year. What do I need to do?
Contact your GME office or institutional official as soon as possible to let them know to mark the program as “Not Participating” in the R3 system. If the program already has been marked as “Active” in the Match by the institutional official, then the program must be withdrawn from the Match prior to the Quota…
Applicant Coupling
Guide to Applicant Coupling
I am a partially-matched applicant or part of a couple where one partner is unmatched and one partner matched. Can I find out the geographic location where I matched?
Partially-matched applicants and couple applicants whose partner did not match will have the city, state, and zip code of their matched program provided on their Match Home page in the R3 system when the Match status notification is released on Monday of Match Week. Applicants who are fully matched will not have any location information…
I want to participate in the Match as a couple. Is there a limit to how many programs my partner and I can rank?
Each partner of a couple can rank up to 20 unique program codes, including the “No Match” option, on a primary rank order list and up to 20 unique program codes on all supplemental rank order lists combined for the base registration fee. After exceeding that number, an additional charge of $30 per program code…
View and Certify Rank Order Lists for Couples – Fellowship Applicants
Guide to Couples Viewing and Certifying Rank Order List for Fellowship Applicants
Viewing and Certifying Rank Order Lists for Residency Couples
Guide to Viewing and Certifying Rank Order Lists for Residency Couples
Can a program coordinator enter and certify the rank order list for a program?
A program coordinator can create, view, and edit rank order lists. A program coordinator cannot certify rank order lists and is prohibited by the NRMP from assuming that responsibility. Use of a program director’s username and password by the program coordinator to access the R3 system is a breach of the Match Participation Agreement and could…
Can I certify a blank rank order list?
If you did not receive any interviews or do not have any suitable programs to rank, you will not enter a rank order list. You will remain in Active status in the Match and can still participate in the Match and SOAP (in the Main Residency Match only) if you are eligible.
Can I certify a blank rank order list?
If your program has been activated in error and you did not intend to participate, the program should be withdrawn from the Match. If you did not have any suitable applicants to rank in the Match and would like to be listed on the List of Unfilled Programs, then your program does not need to…
Can I make changes to my rank order list (ROL) after I certify it?
Yes, changes can be made to a ROL after it has been certified. The program director can click on the ‘Edit List’ button in the R3 system and enter their password to return the list to Ranking status so changes can be made. The ROL can be modified or re-ordered any number of times; however,…
Can I make changes to my rank order list (ROL) after I have certified it?
Yes, you can make changes to an already certified ROL but, if changed, the list must be re-certified prior to the Rank Order List Certification Deadline for it to be used in the Match. You should not wait until the last minute to enter and certify your list. Technology glitches can occur and the ROL…
Can I rank multiple specialties?
Yes. The matching algorithm attempts to place you in the most preferred program possible, regardless of the specialty of the program, so be sure to rank programs in order of your true preference and not where you think you will match.
Can I use the NRMP ID to find and rank applicants on my rank order list?
Yes. Program directors create rank order lists (ROLs) by entering applicants’ NRMP ID numbers directly on the ROL, utilizing the “Find and Add Applicant” search feature, or importing an electronic file. The NRMP ID is the only ID that every-Match participating applicant will have and is the preferred ID for ranking applicants. The “Find and Add…
Do I need a supplemental rank order list?
Applicants participating in the Main Residency Match can submit a primary rank order list (ROL) with a combination of categorical, preliminary, and advanced programs. Those who rank advanced (PGY-2 level) programs on their primary ROLs also can submit supplemental ROLs of preliminary PGY-1 programs that are linked to one or more advanced programs on the…
Enter and Certify a Rank Order List for Fellowship Applicants
Guide to Enter and Certify a Rank Order List for Fellowship Applicants
Enter and Certify a Rank Order List for Programs
Guide to Enter and Certify a Rank Order List for Programs
Enter and Certify a Rank Order List for Residency Applicants
Guide to Enter and Certify a Rank Order List for Residency Applicants
How do I know that my Rank Order List is certified and I am ready for the Main Residency Match?
You can see your Main Residency Match status by logging into the R3 system. If your User Status is Certified, your Fee Status is Paid, and your Verification Status is Verified, you are all set for the Match and there is nothing left to do.
How many applicants can I rank?
There is no limit on the number of applicants a program can rank.
How many programs can I rank?
Rank Order Lists cannot exceed 300 ranks total. The Match registration fee includes the listing of up to 20 unique NRMP program codes on the primary rank order list (and in the Main Residency Match, up to 20 unique NRMP codes on all supplemental rank order lists combined). Additional ranks are $30 per rank for…
I did not receive any interviews in the Main Residency Match. Do I need to enter a rank order list?
No, if you did not get any interviews or did not apply to any programs, you will not certify a rank order list. You will be unmatched when the Match results are released on Monday of Match Week and will have access to the List of Unfilled Programs if you are verified as eligible for…
I forgot to add my NRMP ID to my ERAS application. Can programs still find and rank me?
Yes. Programs have the ability to search for and rank you using AAMC ID, first and last name, and medical school in addition to the NRMP ID. They should not have a problem finding and ranking you by these other search criteria. Programs will typically reach out to either you or the NRMP if they…
I want to participate in the Match as a couple. Is there a limit to how many programs my partner and I can rank?
Each partner of a couple can rank up to 20 unique program codes, including the “No Match” option, on a primary rank order list and up to 20 unique program codes on all supplemental rank order lists combined for the base registration fee. After exceeding that number, an additional charge of $30 per program code…
I’m ready to create my rank order list. Should I include all programs where I interviewed even if I’m not sure I want to train there?
The Match Participation Agreement you signed electronically when you registered for the Match states that a match between an applicant and a program creates a binding commitment to accept a position if a match results and to start training in good faith (i.e., with the intent to complete the program) on the date specified in the appointment…
If I match to an advanced program on my primary rank order list (ROL), but do not match to one of the linked preliminary programs on my supplemental list, will the algorithm keep going down my list to match me to both position types?
No. If the algorithm has matched you to an advanced position on your primary ROL and is not able to match you to a preliminary position on your linked supplemental ROL, it will not keep going down your list. In that case, you are committed to the advanced position and must seek a qualifying first-year…
Is there a limit to the number of programs I can rank?
Up to 300 program codes can be listed on a rank order list. For rank order lists with 100 or more ranks, additional fees apply. Those fees are NOT REFUNDABLE if you certify a shorter list at a later time. View current fees. Keep in mind that if you have not interviewed at a program,…
Recommendations for Constructing a Rank Order List
How to optimize your ranking list.
Should I rank all the programs at which I interviewed?
Rank only those programs where you are able and would be happy to train. Putting a program on your ROL creates a binding commitment if a match occurs, so review carefully each program’s eligibility requirements and the contract you will be expected to sign. You should receive that information from programs during the application/interview process.…
Should I rank preliminary programs on my primary rank order list?
You can rank preliminary programs on your primary rank order list to guard against going completely unmatched but do so with the knowledge that you may Match to a program with only one year of training. You don’t have to rank the preliminary programs on the primary rank order list unless that is your intention.…
Using the Program Directory
Guide to Using the Program Directory
View and Certify Rank Order Lists for Couples – Fellowship Applicants
Guide to Couples Viewing and Certifying Rank Order List for Fellowship Applicants
Viewing and Certifying Rank Order Lists for Residency Couples
Guide to Viewing and Certifying Rank Order Lists for Residency Couples
What does it mean if a program on my rank order list has the status of Withdrawn?
If the program has a status of Withdrawn that means it is no longer participating in the Match. You may want to confirm the program code to ensure it is correct. You do not have to change your rank order list. The algorithm will simply skip over that rank as if it were not there.
What does it mean if an applicant on my rank order list has a status of Withdrawn?
If the applicant has a status of Withdrawn that means the applicant is no longer participating in the Match. You do not have to change your rank order list. The algorithm will simply skip over that rank as if it were not there.
What is a Joint Advanced/Preliminary program?
In a Joint A/P arrangement, applicants can only rank the joint preliminary PGY-1 program on a supplemental rank order list if that list is attached to the joint advanced PGY-2 program on the primary rank order list. Only applicants who rank the advanced program can rank the joined preliminary program, and only applicants who match to…
What is a supplemental rank order list?
An applicant participating in the Main Residency Match who is ranking advanced programs (PGY-2 programs that begin in the year after the Match), can submit supplemental rank order lists linked to the advanced programs on their primary rank order list. These supplemental lists will contain preliminary PGY-1 programs that the applicant would like to match…
Creating a Supplemental Rank Order List
Guide to Creating a Supplemental Rank Order List
Do I need a supplemental rank order list?
Applicants participating in the Main Residency Match can submit a primary rank order list (ROL) with a combination of categorical, preliminary, and advanced programs. Those who rank advanced (PGY-2 level) programs on their primary ROLs also can submit supplemental ROLs of preliminary PGY-1 programs that are linked to one or more advanced programs on the…
How many programs can I rank?
Rank Order Lists cannot exceed 300 ranks total. The Match registration fee includes the listing of up to 20 unique NRMP program codes on the primary rank order list (and in the Main Residency Match, up to 20 unique NRMP codes on all supplemental rank order lists combined). Additional ranks are $30 per rank for…
If I match to an advanced program on my primary rank order list (ROL), but do not match to one of the linked preliminary programs on my supplemental list, will the algorithm keep going down my list to match me to both position types?
No. If the algorithm has matched you to an advanced position on your primary ROL and is not able to match you to a preliminary position on your linked supplemental ROL, it will not keep going down your list. In that case, you are committed to the advanced position and must seek a qualifying first-year…
Should I rank preliminary programs on my primary rank order list?
You can rank preliminary programs on your primary rank order list to guard against going completely unmatched but do so with the knowledge that you may Match to a program with only one year of training. You don’t have to rank the preliminary programs on the primary rank order list unless that is your intention.…
What is a supplemental rank order list?
An applicant participating in the Main Residency Match who is ranking advanced programs (PGY-2 programs that begin in the year after the Match), can submit supplemental rank order lists linked to the advanced programs on their primary rank order list. These supplemental lists will contain preliminary PGY-1 programs that the applicant would like to match…
DO Schools: COMLEX and USMLE Score Verification
Guide to DO Schools: COMLEX and USMLE Score Verification
Main Residency Match Medical School Checklist
Download the Main Residency Match Medical School Checklist
MD Schools: USMLE Score Verification
Guide to MD Schools: USMLE Score Verification
Verifying Graduation Credentials
Guide to Verifying Graduation Credentials
What if my verification status in the R3® system says not verified?
Find more information about what it means you’re your status in the R3 System says that you are not verified.
What requirements for ECFMG certification must I complete to be eligible to participate in the Main Residency Match?
The NRMP will send the list of IMG applicants who have registered for the Main Residency Match to the ECFMG, a member of Intealth, once a week after the Match opens for registration. ECFMG will send back to NRMP whether or not the applicant has completed the necessary medical science examination, clinical skills, and communication…
Can programs have a quota of zero?
No, programs cannot have a quota of zero. Programs that elect not to participate in a Match are expected to withdraw from the Match.
I signed a contract outside the Specialties Matching Service®. What should I do?
If you already have registered with the NRMP, you MUST withdraw from the Match by the Rank Order List Certification Deadline. You can withdraw by logging in to the Registration, Ranking, and Results® (R3®) system and selecting a Withdraw option. Failure to withdraw by the Rank Order List Deadline is a violation of the Match Participation…
Must institutional officials approve all quota changes, additions, and withdrawals in the Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) system?
Yes. Program directors can enter changes in the R3 system, but they must be approved by the institutional official.
My program is not participating in the Match this year. What do I need to do?
Contact your GME office or institutional official as soon as possible to let them know to mark the program as “Not Participating” in the R3 system. If the program already has been marked as “Active” in the Match by the institutional official, then the program must be withdrawn from the Match prior to the Quota…
What does it mean if a program on my rank order list has the status of Withdrawn?
If the program has a status of Withdrawn that means it is no longer participating in the Match. You may want to confirm the program code to ensure it is correct. You do not have to change your rank order list. The algorithm will simply skip over that rank as if it were not there.
What does it mean if an applicant on my rank order list has a status of Withdrawn?
If the applicant has a status of Withdrawn that means the applicant is no longer participating in the Match. You do not have to change your rank order list. The algorithm will simply skip over that rank as if it were not there.
Withdrawing and Reinstating a Program
Guide to Withdrawing and Reinstating a Program
Withdrawing from a Fellowship Match
Guide to Withdrawing from a Fellowship Match
Withdrawing from MRM Independent Applicant
Guide to Withdrawing from the Main Residency Match
Withdrawing from the Main Residency Match
Guide to Withdrawing from the Main Residency Match