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2 Results Returned

As a fellowship program director, one of my current residents has asked me for advice about other fellowship programs to which she should apply. Am I allowed to discuss programs in which she might be interested?

Yes. Restricting a program’s ability to ask applicants about the names, specialties, geographical locations, or other identifying information about programs to which applicants have or may apply is not intended to limit mentoring relationships. Residency and fellowship program directors are encouraged to help applicants and residents who seek guidance about their training plans.

Do I have to register for ERAS® or the application service designated by the program and NRMP to participate in the Match?

Most residency programs participating in the Main Residency Match and many fellowships participating in the Specialties Matching Service use the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS®) offered by the Association of American Medical Colleges® (AAMC). ERAS is a separate organization and thus requires a separate registration by applicants.  You must register for both the application service designated by…

Does the NRMP have any Match data or analytics to assist me in preparing for the Match?

Part of the NRMP’s mission is to develop and distribute data reports and publications that inform national conversations about the transition to residency and advance understanding of the matching process and outcomes. Therefore, we offer a variety of data and reports to assist applicants, program directors, medical school and program faculty, and others involved or…

During my interview, the program director asked me about other programs to which I had applied and how I plan to rank them. Must I provide that information?

No. You may volunteer information about where you have applied and how you plan to rank programs, but programs are prohibited from asking you to disclose the information. Any program that asks an applicant to disclose information about preference signals or the names, specialties, geographic location, or other identifying information about programs to which an…

I signed a contract outside the Specialties Matching Service®. What should I do?

If you already have registered with the NRMP, you MUST withdraw from the Match by the Rank Order List Certification Deadline.  You can withdraw by logging in to the Registration, Ranking, and Results® (R3®) system and selecting a Withdraw option.  Failure to withdraw by the Rank Order List Deadline is a violation of the Match Participation…

Is there a limit to the number of programs I can rank?

Up to 300 program codes can be listed on a rank order list.  For rank order lists with 100 or more ranks, additional fees apply. Those fees are NOT REFUNDABLE if you certify a shorter list at a later time. View current fees. Keep in mind that if you have not interviewed at a program,…

What happens if I obtain a position and decide not to accept it? Can my program release me from my obligation to attend?

The Match Participation Agreement states that a match between an applicant and a program creates a binding commitment to accept a position if a match results and to start training in good faith (i.e., with the intent to complete the program) on the date specified in the appointment contract. For the Main Residency Match®, the same…

A non Match-participating program at my institution offered a position to an applicant who has a concurrent year match to another program. Is my institution liable?

Institutional officials must ensure that none of their programs, regardless of Match participation status, discusses, interviews for, or offers a position to an applicant who has matched to or accepted a concurrent year position in another program or who is ineligible because of a denied waiver or a confirmed violation. Failure to ensure compliance could subject…

Can I certify a blank rank order list?

If your program has been activated in error and you did not intend to participate, the program should be withdrawn from the Match. If you did not have any suitable applicants to rank in the Match and would like to be listed on the List of Unfilled Programs, then your program does not need to…

Can programs ask applicants what gender-associated pronoun(s) they prefer?

Programs are advised to direct this question to their institution’s GME office or human resources department. Programs may not require applicants to disclose their identified pronoun(s). Programs may allow an applicant to provide their preferred pronoun(s) should the applicant wish to volunteer that information. The NRMP encourages programs to use more inclusive and gender-neutral language when communicating.  

Does the NRMP have any Match data or analytics to assist me in preparing for the Match?

Part of the NRMP’s mission is to develop and distribute data reports and publications that inform national conversations about the transition to residency and advance understanding of the matching process and outcomes. Therefore, we offer a variety of data and reports to assist applicants, program directors, medical school and program faculty, and others involved or…

How do I activate my program?

Upon Match opening, the IO must activate the institution or mark it as not participating in the Match. Once the institution is active, each program track also must be activated. Activation may be done by the institutional official (IO), but they also have the option to direct the program director or institutional administrator to activate…

How do I add a new program or institution to the Match?

The NRMP support staff will assist you with adding your new program or institution to the Match. All programs new to the Match are asked to complete the New Program Form. The information provided on the Form will allow NRMP to create a record in the R3 system and add your program to the appropriate…

How do I update my institutional administrator?

The update of a new institutional administrator (IA) can be made by your GME office institutional official. Please see the Adding & Maintaining Institutional Administrators support guide in the R3 system for detailed instructions. Alternately, NRMP can make the change if the institutional official contacts us via email. If you would like NRMP to make…

How do I update my institutional official?

The update of a new institutional official (IO) must be made by the NRMP. Requests for updates to the institutional official must be made in writing and submitted via email to support@nrmp.org. The IO should be the designated ACGME DIO for the institution. To make the change, the current IO or institutional administrator must provide…

My institution requires all employees be vaccinated for COVID-19. Can we directly ask an applicant their vaccination status?

Programs are advised to direct this question to their institution’s GME office or human resources department. If pre-employment criteria requires that all employees be vaccinated for COVID-19, the program must provide that specific eligibility requirement along with all other eligibility requirements to the applicants who interview with the program prior to the Rank Order List Certification Deadline or offer made during SOAP. 

What changes to my program have to be approved by the insitutional official?

Institutional officials are responsible for approving changes in the R3 system for each of the institution’s Match-participating programs. Program changes requiring approval include: Changing the quota, or number of positions to be filled Entering or changing reversions to donate unfilled positions to another program or program track Withdrawing or reinstating a program Selecting or changing…

What is a Joint Advanced/Preliminary program?

The R3 system offers institutions and programs in the Main Residency Match the option to link an advanced PGY-2 program with a preliminary PGY-1 program to create a full course of training at the same institution for applicants interested in specialties that begin in the PGY-2 year.  In “joining” an advanced (A) PGY-2 program to a…

When should programs provide institutional policies, program policies, and eligibility requirements to applicants?

Information pertaining to institutional policies, program policies, and eligibility requirements should be made available to all applicants when the Match and AAMC ERAS (or other) application service opens. This can be easily accomplished by posting the information to the program’s website. Policy information and eligibility requirements must be provided to all applicants who interview with a program prior to the Rank Order List Certification Deadline or offer made during SOAP.

Do I need to verify my students and graduates for participation in the Main Residency Match?

Medical school officials/administrators (SO/SA) are required to verify the graduation credentials of their students and prior-year gradautes to participate in the Main Residency Match and Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP). Credentials vertification is an important task: only students and graduates who are verified as eligible to enter graduate medical education (GME) on July 1…

Does the NRMP have any Match data or analytics to assist me in preparing for the Match?

Part of the NRMP’s mission is to develop and distribute data reports and publications that inform national conversations about the transition to residency and advance understanding of the matching process and outcomes. Therefore, we offer a variety of data and reports to assist applicants, program directors, medical school and program faculty, and others involved or…

How do I know which of my students still need to register for the Match?

Medical school officials and administrators have the ability to track student participation in the Main Residency Match. School officials (SO) and school administrators (SA) can identify which students need to register and/or submit or certify a rank order list by uploading a student list in the R3 system. Student lists can be uploaded in the…

How do I update my school administrator?

The update of a new school administrator (SA) can be made by the school official or the NRMP if some additional information is provided. For the school official to make the update, please see the Adding and Maintaining School Administrators support guide for detailed instructions. For the NRMP to make the update, the school official…

How do I update my school official?

The update of a new school official (SO) must be made by the NRMP. For the NRMP to make the update, the current SO or the school administrator will need to send an email to support@nrmp.org and provide the following information: Medical School Information New School Official’s Full Name New School Officials’ Date of Birth…

A non Match-participating program at my institution offered a position to an applicant who has a concurrent year match to another program. Is my institution liable?

Institutional officials must ensure that none of their programs, regardless of Match participation status, discusses, interviews for, or offers a position to an applicant who has matched to or accepted a concurrent year position in another program or who is ineligible because of a denied waiver or a confirmed violation. Failure to ensure compliance could subject…

As a fellowship program director, one of my current residents has asked me for advice about other fellowship programs to which she should apply. Am I allowed to discuss programs in which she might be interested?

Yes. Restricting a program’s ability to ask applicants about the names, specialties, geographical locations, or other identifying information about programs to which applicants have or may apply is not intended to limit mentoring relationships. Residency and fellowship program directors are encouraged to help applicants and residents who seek guidance about their training plans.

Can a program coordinator enter and certify the rank order list for a program?

A program coordinator can create, view, and edit rank order lists. A program coordinator cannot certify rank order lists and is prohibited by the NRMP from assuming that responsibility. Use of a program director’s username and password by the program coordinator to access the R3 system is a breach of the Match Participation Agreement and could…

Can I certify a blank rank order list?

If your program has been activated in error and you did not intend to participate, the program should be withdrawn from the Match. If you did not have any suitable applicants to rank in the Match and would like to be listed on the List of Unfilled Programs, then your program does not need to…

Can I make changes to my rank order list (ROL) after I certify it?

Yes, changes can be made to a ROL after it has been certified. The program director can click on the ‘Edit List’ button in the R3 system and enter their password to return the list to Ranking status so changes can be made. The ROL can be modified or re-ordered any number of times; however,…

Can I use the NRMP ID to find and rank applicants on my rank order list?

Yes. Program directors create rank order lists (ROLs) by entering applicants’ NRMP ID numbers directly on the ROL, utilizing the “Find and Add Applicant” search feature, or importing an electronic file.  The NRMP ID is the only ID that every-Match participating applicant will have and is the preferred ID for ranking applicants. The “Find and Add…

Can programs ask applicants what gender-associated pronoun(s) they prefer?

Programs are advised to direct this question to their institution’s GME office or human resources department. Programs may not require applicants to disclose their identified pronoun(s). Programs may allow an applicant to provide their preferred pronoun(s) should the applicant wish to volunteer that information. The NRMP encourages programs to use more inclusive and gender-neutral language when communicating.  

Can programs use more than one application service?

NRMP policy does not prohibit programs from utilizing more than one application service or process. NRMP will require programs to notify applicants, at the beginning of the application and recruitment season, which application service or process they intend to use for both Main Residency Match and SOAP.

Do I need to provide the NRMP program code for our program to the applicants?

It is important to provide applicants your NRMP program code to assist them in ranking your program, especially if you have multiple program tracks or types. NRMP provides a search function for applicants to search for the programs they wish to rank. However, institutions may have similar names or multiple tracks in a specialty which…

Do programs have to disclose to applicants the application process they intend to use for the Main Residency Match and SOAP?

Yes, NRMP policy requires that all programs inform applicants about the specific application service(s) or process(es) they intend to use during the Main Residency Match and SOAP.  In addition, the NRMP’s Registration, Ranking, and Results system (R3) requires Main Residency Match programs to identify all of the application services they will accept for the transition…

Does the NRMP have any Match data or analytics to assist me in preparing for the Match?

Part of the NRMP’s mission is to develop and distribute data reports and publications that inform national conversations about the transition to residency and advance understanding of the matching process and outcomes. Therefore, we offer a variety of data and reports to assist applicants, program directors, medical school and program faculty, and others involved or…

Does the program director (PD) have to register for the Match each year?

Yes, the PD must register each year for the Match. A returning PD can log in to the R3 system using their unique username and password. Once they have logged in and electronically signed the Match Participation Agreement, they are considered registered. A new PD will be sent a token code link via email which…

How do I activate my program?

Upon Match opening, the IO must activate the institution or mark it as not participating in the Match. Once the institution is active, each program track also must be activated. Activation may be done by the institutional official (IO), but they also have the option to direct the program director or institutional administrator to activate…

How do I add a new program or institution to the Match?

The NRMP support staff will assist you with adding your new program or institution to the Match. All programs new to the Match are asked to complete the New Program Form. The information provided on the Form will allow NRMP to create a record in the R3 system and add your program to the appropriate…

How do I register my program for the Match?

Programs that participated in the previous Match are automatically rolled over in the R3 system but if your program did not participate or is new to the Match, you will need to contact our support team to be added to the Match.

How do I review the results of the Match for my program?

Program results are released in the R3 system and sent via email. You can view your program results in the R3 system by accessing the Confidential Roster of Program’s Matched Applicants report on your Match home page when the results are released. To view where the applicants you ranked matched, access the Match Results by…

How do I set my SOAP participation status?

In order to participate in SOAP, program directors must set their SOAP participation status to “YES” on the SOAP Participation tab accessible through their Program Details page in the R3 system. Program directors can begin setting their SOAP participation indicator when the Main Residency Match opens for registration. The SOAP participation indicator MUST be set…

How do I update the program coordinator for a program?

The update of a new program coordinator (PC) can be made by the program director or the GME office institutional administrator or official. Please see the Adding & Maintaining Program Coordinators support guide for detailed instructions. Alternately, if the PC has already been updated through the ACGME, NRMP can make the change. Please provide your…

How do I update the program director for a program?

Updating the program director for a program can be done by the institutional official or administrator. Alternately, if the program director already has been updated through the ACGME, the NRMP can make the change if some additional information is provided. If the update is being made by the IO or IA, please see the Adding…

How will applicants who apply to OB/GYN during the algorithm phase of the Main Residency Match, and go unmatched, apply to programs during SOAP?

Applicants will utilize the application service or process designated by the specialty or the program. Any residency application service that supports programs participating in the Main Residency Match will work with the NRMP to establish and/or maintain a seamless exchange of applicant information so applicants are able to move through the Match Week and SOAP…

Is my program eligible to participate in the Main Residency Match?

To participate in the Main Residency Match, a program must be either accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME®); or a combined program that is approved or recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties or by the respective specialty board that is responsible for board certification of residents who successfully complete…

Is my program eligible to participate in the Specialties Matching Service?

Only programs in a subspecialty for which a Match is being conducted may offer positions through the SMS. To ensure a quality training experience for applicants, the NRMP may be selective in determining which programs are eligible to participate. To be eligible to offer positions through an SMS Match, a program must be either: Programs…

Is my R3 system login for my program or just for me?

User accounts in the R3 system are assigned to individual users, not programs. Each user (PD and PC) must have their own user account and each must sign the Match Participation Agreement. Each user of the R3 system should have a unique username and password that should not be shared with other individuals. Use of…

My institution requires all employees be vaccinated for COVID-19. Can we directly ask an applicant their vaccination status?

Programs are advised to direct this question to their institution’s GME office or human resources department. If pre-employment criteria requires that all employees be vaccinated for COVID-19, the program must provide that specific eligibility requirement along with all other eligibility requirements to the applicants who interview with the program prior to the Rank Order List Certification Deadline or offer made during SOAP. 

What changes to my program have to be approved by the insitutional official?

Institutional officials are responsible for approving changes in the R3 system for each of the institution’s Match-participating programs. Program changes requiring approval include: Changing the quota, or number of positions to be filled Entering or changing reversions to donate unfilled positions to another program or program track Withdrawing or reinstating a program Selecting or changing…

What is a Joint Advanced/Preliminary program?

The R3 system offers institutions and programs in the Main Residency Match the option to link an advanced PGY-2 program with a preliminary PGY-1 program to create a full course of training at the same institution for applicants interested in specialties that begin in the PGY-2 year.  In “joining” an advanced (A) PGY-2 program to a…

What is the All In Policy?

The All In Policy applies to the Main Residency Match® and some Fellowship Matches participating in the Specialties Matching Service®. The All In Policy requires any program in these participating Matches to register and attempt to fill all of its positions through the Match or another national matching plan. A “program” is defined by its ACGME® number. The Policy does…

When should programs provide institutional policies, program policies, and eligibility requirements to applicants?

Information pertaining to institutional policies, program policies, and eligibility requirements should be made available to all applicants when the Match and AAMC ERAS (or other) application service opens. This can be easily accomplished by posting the information to the program’s website. Policy information and eligibility requirements must be provided to all applicants who interview with a program prior to the Rank Order List Certification Deadline or offer made during SOAP.

As a U.S. senior, I’ve been offered a position outside the Main Residency Match®. What should I do?

NRMP policy states that if any of an institution’s programs participate in the Main Residency Match, all of the institution’s programs must offer positions to U.S. MD and U.S. DO senior students through the Main Residency Match or another national matching plan. Offering a position to a U.S. senior outside the Main Residency Match is a violation by for the program and should…

Can I participate in both the NRMP’s Main Residency Match® and CaRMS?

Yes, NRMP has an agreement with CaRMS that permits applicants to participate in both the Canadian and U.S. Matches. Under this agreement, mutual applicants matched in whichever country runs its match first are removed from the other organization’s match. In the 2025 Main Residency Match, the CaRMS Match results will be released first. NRMP will…

Can programs use more than one application service?

NRMP policy does not prohibit programs from utilizing more than one application service or process. NRMP will require programs to notify applicants, at the beginning of the application and recruitment season, which application service or process they intend to use for both Main Residency Match and SOAP.

Do I have to register for ERAS® or the application service designated by the program and NRMP to participate in the Match?

Most residency programs participating in the Main Residency Match and many fellowships participating in the Specialties Matching Service use the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS®) offered by the Association of American Medical Colleges® (AAMC). ERAS is a separate organization and thus requires a separate registration by applicants.  You must register for both the application service designated by…

Do I need a supplemental rank order list?

Applicants participating in the Main Residency Match can submit a primary rank order list (ROL) with a combination of categorical, preliminary, and advanced programs. Those who rank advanced (PGY-2 level) programs on their primary ROLs also can submit supplemental ROLs of preliminary PGY-1 programs that are linked to one or more advanced programs on the…

Do I need to verify my students and graduates for participation in the Main Residency Match?

Medical school officials/administrators (SO/SA) are required to verify the graduation credentials of their students and prior-year gradautes to participate in the Main Residency Match and Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP). Credentials vertification is an important task: only students and graduates who are verified as eligible to enter graduate medical education (GME) on July 1…

Do programs have to disclose to applicants the application process they intend to use for the Main Residency Match and SOAP?

Yes, NRMP policy requires that all programs inform applicants about the specific application service(s) or process(es) they intend to use during the Main Residency Match and SOAP.  In addition, the NRMP’s Registration, Ranking, and Results system (R3) requires Main Residency Match programs to identify all of the application services they will accept for the transition…

Does the NRMP have any Match data or analytics to assist me in preparing for the Match?

Part of the NRMP’s mission is to develop and distribute data reports and publications that inform national conversations about the transition to residency and advance understanding of the matching process and outcomes. Therefore, we offer a variety of data and reports to assist applicants, program directors, medical school and program faculty, and others involved or…

During my interview, the program director asked me about other programs to which I had applied and how I plan to rank them. Must I provide that information?

No. You may volunteer information about where you have applied and how you plan to rank programs, but programs are prohibited from asking you to disclose the information. Any program that asks an applicant to disclose information about preference signals or the names, specialties, geographic location, or other identifying information about programs to which an…

How many applications do I get for the SOAP process?

The applications are not tied to rounds and, once an application is submitted, it can be considered by the programs during all rounds. The SOAP Offer Rounds indicate when offers are made, not when applications are reviewed by programs. NRMP is not an application service.

How will applicants who apply to OB/GYN during the algorithm phase of the Main Residency Match, and go unmatched, apply to programs during SOAP?

Applicants will utilize the application service or process designated by the specialty or the program. Any residency application service that supports programs participating in the Main Residency Match will work with the NRMP to establish and/or maintain a seamless exchange of applicant information so applicants are able to move through the Match Week and SOAP…

How will I know which application service to use?

Main Residency Match programs are required to disclose to applicants, at the start of recruitment, the application service or process they will require for the Main Residency Match and Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP). Programs should consider how best to share their preferred application service or process to applicants at the start of the…

I am a partially-matched applicant or part of a couple where one partner is unmatched and one partner matched. Can I find out the geographic location where I matched?

Partially-matched applicants and couple applicants whose partner did not match will have the city, state, and zip code of their matched program provided on their Match Home page in the R3 system when the Match status notification is released on Monday of Match Week. Applicants who are fully matched will not have any location information…

I obtained a position in the Main Residency Match®, but I just learned that I will not graduate in time to begin training on July 1. What should I do?

The Match Participation Agreement states that applicants must meet ACGME® and institutional requirements prior to the start of training in order to be eligible for their matched positions.  If you learn you are ineligible to honor your binding commitment, you must immediately submit to the NRMP a request for a waiver of your match commitment .  You also…

I’m applying to a specialty that offers the option of submitting preference signals to programs.  Can a program I interview with ask me about the programs I might have signaled?

No.  Programs are prohibited from asking applicants any information about the programs to which they have or may apply, and that includes whether the applicant submitted preferences signals. Program directors who ask for that information could be in violation of the Match Participation Agreement and the matter should be reported to the NRMP.

I’ve been offered a position outside the Main Residency Match. What should I do?

NRMP policy states that if any of an institution’s programs participate in the Main Residency Match, all of the institution’s programs must offer positions to U.S. MD and U.S. DO senior students through the Main Residency Match or another national matching plan. U.S. medical school graduates and students and graduates of international medical schools can…

If I match to an advanced program on my primary rank order list (ROL), but do not match to one of the linked preliminary programs on my supplemental list, will the algorithm keep going down my list to match me to both position types?

No. If the algorithm has matched you to an advanced position on your primary ROL and is not able to match you to a preliminary position on your linked supplemental ROL, it will not keep going down your list. In that case, you are committed to the advanced position and must seek a qualifying first-year…

Is there a limit to the number of programs I can rank?

Up to 300 program codes can be listed on a rank order list.  For rank order lists with 100 or more ranks, additional fees apply. Those fees are NOT REFUNDABLE if you certify a shorter list at a later time. View current fees. Keep in mind that if you have not interviewed at a program,…

Should I rank preliminary programs on my primary rank order list?

You can rank preliminary programs on your primary rank order list to guard against going completely unmatched but do so with the knowledge that you may Match to a program with only one year of training. You don’t have to rank the preliminary programs on the primary rank order list unless that is your intention.…

What happens if I obtain a position and decide not to accept it? Can my program release me from my obligation to attend?

The Match Participation Agreement states that a match between an applicant and a program creates a binding commitment to accept a position if a match results and to start training in good faith (i.e., with the intent to complete the program) on the date specified in the appointment contract. For the Main Residency Match®, the same…

What is a “partially-matched” applicant?

An applicant who matches to a PGY-1, preliminary or transitional year position only or to an advanced, PGY-2 position only would be considered partially matched. Partially-matched applicants should only apply to programs for which they are eligible during SOAP. SOAP-eligible partially matched applicants can access the List of Unfilled Programs in the NRMP’s R3 system under the…

What is a Joint Advanced/Preliminary program?

In a Joint A/P arrangement, applicants can only rank the joint preliminary PGY-1 program on a supplemental rank order list if that list is attached to the joint advanced PGY-2 program on the primary rank order list. Only applicants who rank the advanced program can rank the joined preliminary program, and only applicants who match to…

What is a supplemental rank order list?

An applicant participating in the Main Residency Match who is ranking advanced programs (PGY-2 programs that begin in the year after the Match), can submit supplemental rank order lists linked to the advanced programs on their primary rank order list. These supplemental lists will contain preliminary PGY-1 programs that the applicant would like to match…

As a U.S. senior, I’ve been offered a position outside the Main Residency Match®. What should I do?

NRMP policy states that if any of an institution’s programs participate in the Main Residency Match, all of the institution’s programs must offer positions to U.S. MD and U.S. DO senior students through the Main Residency Match or another national matching plan. Offering a position to a U.S. senior outside the Main Residency Match is a violation by for the program and should…